If you need a report generator, TranscendSQL Report is your best choice. TranscendSQL Report is a database report generator that allows you create any kind of professional report provided that you are familiar with XML and SQL queries. It uses an XML based report layout script file to build up the report, so it can be easily customized to your needs. Reports support printing text, text content with a box, line, rectangle box, ellipse and images. You can specify font, font size, color and different content justification such as left, right, center, margin left, margin right and line center. TranscendSQL Report uses ADO.NET to connect to the database and supports DSN, ODBC, OLEDB, SQLClient, provided that you have the relevant driver installed in the machine. Additional features include support for multilingual output, formula expression, generating sub-total and total figure and more. Furthermore, TranscendSQL Report is developed by Visual Studio .NET so that it is fully compatible with .NET Framework.